笃志不倦,薪火相传 | 2023法国里昂商学院Global DBA毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式在北京隆重举行


2023法国里昂商学院Global DBA毕业典礼暨学位授予仪式在北京香格里拉饭店隆重举行。9位法国里昂商学院GDBA毕业生在大家的见证下,正式成为全球工商管理博士(Global DBA),实现由商界精英到学者型产业领袖的蜕变。

On the afternoon of May 19th, the 2023 emlyon business school Global DBA Graduation and Degree Awarding Ceremony was successfully held with much grandeur at the Shangri-La Hotel, Beijing. Nine GDBA graduates from emlyon business school were officially conferred with the title of Doctor of Business Administration (DBA), realizing the transformation from business elites to scholar-type industry leaders.

本次典礼由GDBA毕业生之一,广州普邦园林股份有限公司执行副总裁曾杼主持。法国里昂商学院董事会主席、校长Isabelle HUAULT、法国里昂商学院副校长、亚洲校区校长、亚欧商学院法方校长王华教授、法国里昂商学院董事会成员、战略发展负责人Nicolas PEJOUT教授、中国法国工商会北京区总经理Morgan LEFEVRE、法国里昂商学院GDBA学术主任兼导师陆定光教授、法国里昂商学院GDBA导师兰赛教授、法国里昂商学院GDBA导师卢骏教授、法国里昂商学院GDBA项目副主任喻吟璧共同出席了典礼,为新晋工商管理博士送上祝福和寄语。

The ceremony was hosted by Cony ZENG, Executive Vice President of Guangzhou Pubang Landscape Co., Ltd., one of the GDBA graduates. Prof. Isabelle HUAULT, Executive President and Dean of emlyon business school, Prof. William WANG Hua, Dean of emlyon business school Asia,  Prof. Nicolas PEJOUT, Executive Board Member and Head of Strategy & Development of emlyon business school, Mr Morgan LEFEVRE, Beijing Branch Director of CCI France Chine, Prof. Sherriff LUK Ting Kwong, Academic Director and Advisor of GDBA Program at emlyon business school, Prof. Sai LAN, GDBA Advisor at emlyon business school, Prof. Timothy LU Jun, GDBA Advisor at emlyon business school and Helene YU, Associate director of GDBA Program at emlyon business school attended the ceremony and witnessed the Doctor of Business Administration convocation.


The ceremony was officially kicked off by solemnly playing the national anthems of the French Republic and the People's Republic of China,.


With the mission of cultivating scholar-type industrial leaders, the GDBA program especially involves exclusive CBL courses, thus fully empowering students interested in becoming thought sharers. 11 participants from the CBL program have completed the graduation defense. Prof. Sai LAN, GDBA advisor at emlyon business school delivered an inspiring speech and awarded certificates to the CBL graduates.


In his inspirational speech, Prof. Sai LAN mentioned that in this era of uncertainties, business leaders must always be adaptive to changes and innovations, whether in business management or in career planning. The CBL courses, as a part of the GDBA program, aim to effectively enhance the students' communication skills, as well as to help students become empowering leaders and scholar-type leaders. It not only transfers valuable business knowledge, but also expands life horizons, and opens the door to future career success. “I hope you can apply the knowledge and skills you have learned, to achieve success in establishing your personal brand, and to flourish in your personal career, while empowering the high-quality development of enterprises that you serve.”

法国里昂商学院董事会主席、校长Isabelle HUAULT对顺利毕业的同学们表示衷心祝贺。她指出,法国里昂商学院已经走过151年的历程,在全球6个校区培养了来自121个国家的8,900名学生,拥有170名国际教授和研究人员以及190个全球学术合作伙伴网络,由37,500名校友组成的社区分布在130个国家和地区。”希望大家毕业后充分利用学校的平台和校友网络,链接更多宝贵资源,发掘更多潜在机会,开辟事业发展新天地。”她还嘱托大家沿袭“early makers“创客精神,以创新思维引领企业乃至行业发展,勇于承担社会责任,兼顾企业和社会的可持续发展。

Prof. Isabelle HUAULT, Executive President and Dean of emlyon business school expressed her congratulations to the fresh graduates, as she spoke about how emlyon business school has gone through 151 years' growth. It has an enrollment of 8,900 students of 121 nationalities over 6 campuses worldwide. emlyon draws on a faculty of 170 international professors and researchers and a network of 190 global academic partners to provide learning tracks of excellence and open to the world. emlyon runs a community of 37,500 alumni in 130 countries and regions. “I desire that you use our school's platform and alum network to link more valuable resources, tap more potential opportunities, and open up a new world of career development.” Meanwhile, she hopes that everyone will continue to pursue emlyon business school’s "early makers" spirit and innovative thinking skills during their careers and lead the development of enterprises and industries. She encouraged them to take social responsibility and thrive for sustainability of not just corporations but society at large.

中国法国工商会北京区总经理Morgan LEFEVRE先生代表法商会对毕业生表示衷心祝贺,希望他们能延续法国里昂商学院的优良传统和“early makers”创客精神,为中法两国的经济发展做出贡献。“希望中国法国工商会能加强与法国里昂商学院的合作,共享资源和优势,为维护中法友谊、实现两国双赢、为人类社会进步做出贡献。”

Mr. Morgan LEFEVRE, Beijing Branch Director of CCI France Chine, expressed his best wishes to the doctoral graduates who successfully completed their studies, and hoped that they can continue the notable tradition and "early makers" spirit of emlyon business school, as well as contribute to the economic growth of both China and France. “I hope that CCI France Chine can enhance its cooperation with emlyon business school and share resources and advantages, to contribute to the maintenance of China and France's friendship, the realization of a win-win situation for both countries, and the advancement of human society.”

法国里昂商学院亚洲校区GDBA项目副主任 Helene YU在致辞中提到,在刚刚过去的5月13日,GDBA毕业生田静女士作为岭南论坛的秘书长举办了岭南impact年度论坛,会议取得了极大成功。不久的将来,GDBA亚洲与南科大的首届联合培养高科技DBA项目即将开班。相信随着法国里昂商学院在湾区的GDBA校友群体愈发壮大,未来可以在湾区的业界和学界发挥学校更大的影响力,将“创客先锋“精神发扬光大。”随着疫情防控政策全面开放,中法之间的文化商业交流将越来越丰富多彩。欢迎同学们继续与GDBA项目保持高度连接,借助法国里昂商学院的全球网络,充分融会贯通中西方学术和管理经验,为推动所在行业的商业创新变革做出更大贡献!”

Ms. Helene YU, Associate Director of the GDBA Program at emlyon business school, mentioned that on May 13, Ms. TIAN Jing, a GDBA graduate,as Secretary General of the Lingnan Forum organized the Lingnan Impact Annual Forum, which was a great success. In the near future, emlyon will launch the first joint-DBA in AIM between GDBA Asia and SUSTech. It is believed that as emlyon business school's GDBA alumni group in the Greater Bay Area grows stronger, in future, the school can exert greater influence in the local industry and academic circles and carry forward the spirit of "early makers". In her speech she said, “With the complete cessation of the pandemic prevention and control policies, cultural and commercial exchanges between China and France will be more diversified. I hope you can maintain a high connection with the GDBA program. With the help of emlyon business school's global network, you can fully integrate your academic and management experiences in China and the West and make significant contributions to promote business innovations and transformations within your industries!”

一段温馨又激昂的视频带大家回顾了GDBA学生们这几年的蜕变旅程,也将毕业典礼推向了高潮,校长Isabelle HUAULT教授、Nicolas PEJOUT教授、王华教授上台为GDBA毕业生们分别进行毕业拨穗、授予博士学位证书,并赠送博士毕业纪念礼品。

A warm and passionate video was played during the ceremony, taking everyone on a reminiscent journey back in time, as they relived moments from their GDBA years at emlyon, creating an emotional moment during the ceremony. Prof. Isabelle HUAULT, Prof. Nicolas PEJOUT and Prof. William WANG Hua came to the stage to strike the spike, award certificates, and give souvenirs to the GDBA graduates.

法国里昂商学院奢侈品管理教授、IMBA学术主任、GDBA全球项目主任Michel PHAN通过视频为毕业生带来祝福:“我知道大家这几年一路走来非常不容易,克服了重重挑战,尤其是中山大学岭南学院的GDBA学生。大家历尽千辛万苦取得今天的成就,付出的努力终有回报,我真的非常高兴与你们分享这一时刻。祝愿你们在未来的事业中收获圆满成就,请与我们保持联系,你们永远是里昂大家庭的一员!”

Prof. Michel PHAN, Professor of Luxury Marketing,Academic Director of IMBA Program,Director of GDBA Programs at emlyon business school, sent his warm wishes via a video recording: ”I know some of you have been going through a very challenging time over the years, especially for those GDBA graduates from Lingnan College, in Sun Yat-sen University. It has been a long journey for you to come here today, but all your hard work is paid off. And I'm really happy to share this moment with you. And I wish all of you great success in your future endeavor, and please stay in touch with us. You are part of the emlyon family now.”

国汽大有时空科技(安庆)有限公司副总裁吴传娟博士作为毕业生代表,分享了她的学习感悟和毕业感言:”这是一段关于学习、成长和克服挑战的难忘旅程。我们大多数人完成了论文答辩,而我本人也在去年十月以可喜的成绩顺利通过了这一关。这背后是我们执着的付出、辛勤的努力,和相互间的鼓励和帮助,我非常荣幸和自豪能成为这个班级的一员。当我们提出创建DBA实践社群(CoP)的想法时,我们已经超越了最初的使命。感谢GDBA项目的大力支持,以及另外5位DBA校友的齐心协力,让我们社群不断成长。欢迎加入DBA CoP社群,通过CoP社群联动产学研三重螺旋生态系统,让我们携手共进,共赴前程。"

As a graduate representative, Dr. Connie WU, Vice President of China Dayou Positioning Intelligence (Anqing) Co., Ltd shared her learning insights in her graduation speech. “It has been an incredible journey of learning, growing, and overcoming obstacles. Most of us have completed the VIVA, and I myself successfully passed this hurdle with a gratifying grade last October. Behind this is our persistent commitment, hard work, and mutual encouragement and assistance. I’m extremely honoured and proud to be a member of this class. By raising the idea of creating a DBA community of practice, we have gone beyond. Thanks to the great support of the GDBA program and the joint interest of another 5 DBA alumni, we're continually growing. Welcome to join the DBA CoP. Connect to our triple helix ecosystem of research, industry, and DBA CoP. Together, we go further.”

广东信为集团董事长张振坤博士作为GDBA校友代表为2023毕业生带来寄语:“emlyon的学习经历磨砺了我们在这个充满挑战的世界中前行的能力,收获了更多的机会和可能性。帮助所有学生突破自我,成为更好的自己,是里昂‘early makers’一大独特之处。在这里接受过教育,让我在面临事业的选择时,帮助别人成为更好的自己也成为了我的愿景。” 张振坤还分享了4个祝福与大家共勉:愿我们心怀梦想,脚踏实地;坚韧勇敢,而又谦虚乐观;全力以赴,也拥抱短暂的失意;纵情绽放,成为照亮他人生命的光。

As a GDBA alumnus representative, Dr. Michael ZHANG, Chairman & CEO of Guangdong XinWay Group, shared his wishes with the 2023 graduates: "The demanding learning experience in emlyon has equipped us with the abilities to navigate in this challenging world,and get access to more opportunities and possibilities. Helping all students to make breakthroughs and become better selves is one of the uniqueness of emlyon: ‘early makers’. With the education here I received, when I chose a career or a business, it was also my aspiration to help others become better selves. May we dream big while taking every step steadily; Stay brave while being humble and optimistic; Exert our best while embracing short-lived disappointments; Strive to shine while bringing light to others.”


While the graduation ceremony has officially ended, and the academic pursuits of the 9 GDBA graduates in the emlyon business school’s Global DBA program has officially come to an end, a more exciting journey is about to begin. At emlyon, we strongly believe that these students will continue to surpass themselves, bravely climb the peak, and pass on emlyon's "early makers" spirit from generation to generation, creating brilliance in their respective fields!